7 Tech Companies Helping Kansas City - KC IPP Demo Day - Pixel Law

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A virtual firm serving Colorado, Kansas, & Missouri.

7 Tech Companies Helping Kansas City – KC IPP Demo Day

I attended the Kansas City Innovation Partnership Demo Day tonight at the Sprint Accelerator to learn about seven tech startups in the city’s Innovation Partnership program that are using technology to help the city operate more efficiently and better serve its citizens. You can learn more about the program and the partners on the IPP website.

Like I did with the Legal Technology Laboratory Prototype Jam, I thought I’d share my notes I took on each partner along with links where you can learn more about them.

Pomerol Partners

Pomerol Partners were challenged with taking all 311 data and making it actionable. Their goal was to help the city understand what was coming in, how to manage it, and what to do with each 311 request. They created mapping and filtering tools to help the city visualize the data and find patterns and areas of the city that needed improved city services.

Learn more at www.pomerol-partners.com and @pomerolpartners.

Reality Technology

Reality Technology was tasked with making procurement simple for the city and its vendors. The city’s current procurement process is very paper-heavy and slow. To improve this, Reality Technology created a cloud-based platform to help the various parties upload and review documents online, approve or deny documents, communicate through the platform, and use compliance automation and KPIs along the way.

Learn more at www.reality-technology.com.


Spideroak provides an encrypted cloud based backup service, an open source password manager, and a new product, Semaphor, an encrypted version of Slack. Their current challenge is finding a way for their super-encrypted software to work within a government entity subject to sunshine laws.

Learn more at spideroak.com and @spideroak.

Stratex Solutions

Stratex provides cloud based software to help city governments reduce their time investment in strategic planning. Their software improves communications, transparency, collaboration, and accountability using a centralized database for the entire planning process.

Learn more at www.stratex.solutions and @Stratex00.

Integrated Roadways

Integrated Roadways is the future of roads (that’s me talking, not their tagline…). But seriously, they created a better kind of road they call “Smart Pavement.” They build modular road sections in a factory and then install them on site. And since they build their road modulars in a factory, they can include all kinds of technology in the road such as vehicle detection systems, power charging, internet access, and more. That means city governments can turn roads into income generators by selling access to those technology systems (such as WiFi).

Learn more at integratedroadways.com and @integratedroads.

Big Bang

Big Bang wants to be the central nervous system for Smart Cities and the Internet of Things. They help companies connect their products to the internet using custom developed software and then provide those companies with real-time data on how their products are being used. For Kansas City, they developed an inexpensive and low-power IoT network throughout the Main Street corridor to help the city identify exactly where their vehicles were in real time.

Learn more at getbigbang.com and @getbigbang.

Redivus Health (Sora)

Redivus Health provides software to help with medical diagnosis and standardizing care decisions. Their prototype smartphone app helps medical professionals quickly make decisions and move through the correct steps to increase compliance with medical best practices and help save lives. The app also documents every step made by the medical professionals.

Learn more at www.apollomedsoftware.com and @apollo_med.

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