If you want to learn about entrepreneurship and the law, join us at 3pm on April 28th!
[EDIT: My talk was moved to 3pm.]
I’m excited to announce that my topic, What Entrepreneurs Should Know About The Law, was selected as a presentation for WordCamp Kansas City 2017 .
You can buy tickets and learn all about WordCamp on their website.
If you are running a business, even if you are just moonlighting, you should consider how the law impacts what you do.
In our talk, we will cover the topics below:
If you plan on joining us, be sure to tweet at @thepixellawyer and @WordPressKC and include #WCKC.
(This article is general in nature and is not legal advice. Image: Adobe/vetkit)
Maximize your success with the right legal foundation.
LLCs v. Corporations
Finances & Taxes
How to Hire
Intellectual Property
And More!