Blog - Pixel Law

A virtual firm serving Colorado, Kansas, & Missouri.

A virtual firm serving Colorado, Kansas, & Missouri.

What!? Darth Vader’s Breathing is a Trademark?

What!? Darth Vader’s Breathing is a Trademark?

“Hahhhhhhh kerrrrrrrr hahhhhhhh kerrrrrrrr…” You can hear it now.
But if you use it to sell toys, you might get a nasty Star Wars themed cease and desist letter from the Galactic Empire’s legal team.

Why Venture Legal is Now Pixel Law

Why Venture Legal is Now Pixel Law

When I started Venture Legal in 2014 I thought it’d just be a side gig. I was starting other businesses and needed stable income. But something interesting happened–my law firm took off!…

The Easy Way to Run Payroll

The Easy Way to Run Payroll

Payroll usually means headaches. But whether it’s easy or hard on you depends on how you set things up. In this post we’ll explain one of the easiest ways to run payroll for your startup or…

The Guise of “Professionalism”

The Guise of “Professionalism”

It’s easy for competitors to copy your skills, but hard for them to copy your authentic personality. Paul Jarvis dedicates an entire chapter of his book (Company of One) to personality. He…

Stop Writing Numbers Two (2) Times!

Stop Writing Numbers Two (2) Times!

Writing numbers two (2) times in contracts is a really dangerous thing to do. Here’s why…. Just last week, I was reviewing a contract that said “two thousand dollars…

KCMO Leaders Get it Right With Bird Agreement

KCMO Leaders Get it Right With Bird Agreement

Business is evolving so fast that government regulators are struggling to keep up. But here in Kansas City, we’re starting to lead. I’ve had plenty to say about how Kansas City is losing negotiations…

7 Tips to Make Your Taxes Easier Next Year

7 Tips to Make Your Taxes Easier Next Year

One negative side effect of entrepreneurship is dealing with taxes. But you can use the seven tips in this article to make your life easier next tax season. 1. First, understand how…

Lessons on Leadership from Ex-Navy SEALs

Lessons on Leadership from Ex-Navy SEALs

Lessons on personal responsibility, leadership, and how to take extreme ownership of your life. Retired Navy SEALs Jocko Willink and Leif Babin led military units in Iraq which are often…

A New Ritual in 2018: The Daily Stoic

A New Ritual in 2018: The Daily Stoic

I’d never studied Stoicism before, but this daily ritual has improved my life after just one month. Throughout 2018 I’m reading Ryan Holiday’s book, The Daily Stoic: 366…

Can You Trademark a #Hashtag?

Can You Trademark a #Hashtag?

Hashtags. Love ’em or hate ’em, they are everywhere. But can you trademark a hashtag and prevent other businesses from using it? Last night during the “Cause if you like it, put a Ⓡ…

10 Reasons to Vote YES for a New KCI Terminal

10 Reasons to Vote YES for a New KCI Terminal

Kansas City needs a new airport terminal. And guess what! You can help make that happen. All you have to do is vote on November 7th in favor of the new airport. Here are 10 reasons why…

Tesla Sues Michigan (and I hope they win)

Tesla Sues Michigan (and I hope they win)

States like Missouri and Michigan that ban Tesla’s direct-to-consumer sales model should be ashamed of their anti-innovation policies. My wife and I bought a new car last week. We love the…

Horseback Law (by Google)

Horseback Law (by Google)

While reading How Google Works I came across a section talking about “Horseback Law.” According to the authors, lawyers using old school practice methods can’t keep up with fast-moving…